Direct Lithium Extraction Technology

ITAMCO's Strategic Move into a the Thriving DLE Market

In the rapidly evolving landscape of energy and resource extraction, the quest for efficient, sustainable methods to harvest critical minerals has led to the rise of Direct Lithium Extraction (DLE) technology. This cutting-edge approach promises to revolutionize the lithium industry by streamlining extraction processes, reducing environmental impact, and meeting the soaring global demand for lithium-ion batteries. Among the pioneers in this promising field stands ITAMCO (Indiana Technology and Manufacturing Companies), a company with a track record in innovation and expertise, particularly drawn from its experience in hydraulic fracturing within the oil industry.

The Rise of Direct Lithium Extraction

Lithium, a key component in the production of batteries for electric vehicles (EVs), renewable energy storage, and portable electronics, has seen a surge in demand. Traditional lithium extraction methods, such as solar evaporation ponds and mineral extraction, pose significant environmental challenges and are often slow and inefficient. In contrast, DLE technologies offer a more sustainable and economically viable solution.

DLE techniques involve extracting lithium directly from brines or geothermal waters using selective sorbents, membranes, or other technologies. These methods not only enhance extraction efficiency but also minimize the environmental footprint by reducing water consumption and avoiding ecosystem disruption.

ITAMCO's Experience in Hydraulic Fracturing

ITAMCO’s foray into DLE technology draws intriguing parallels with its experience in hydraulic fracturing (fracking) for oil extraction. Historically, ITAMCO has been involved in developing and deploying advanced technologies in the oil and gas sector, including sophisticated hydraulic fracturing techniques. This experience has endowed ITAMCO with valuable insights into geology, fluid dynamics, and the logistical challenges of resource extraction from complex environments.

Leveraging Expertise for DLE Advancement

The transition from hydraulic fracking to DLE is not just a shift in focus but a strategic evolution. ITAMCO’s proficiency in handling complex fluid systems, optimizing well designs, and managing large-scale operations translates seamlessly into the realm of DLE. Both industries share commonalities in operational challenges, technological innovation, and the need for sustainable practices.

Capitalizing on Market Opportunities

ITAMCO’s move into DLE positions the company at the forefront of an expanding market with enormous potential. As global demand for lithium continues to escalate, efficient and environmentally responsible extraction methods will be paramount. ITAMCO’s experience and technological prowess uniquely position it to innovate and lead in this burgeoning sector.

Direct Lithium Extraction Summit

Geoffrey Espinosa, ITAMCO's Sales Account Executive, attended the 2024 Direct Lithium Extraction Summit in the UK.

Joel Neidig to Deliver Keynote Address at AI in Manufacturing Workshop Series

Joel Neidig to Deliver Keynote Address at AI in Manufacturing Workshop Series

Joel Neidig, Director of R&D at ITAMCO, is set to deliver the keynote address at the upcoming AI in Manufacturing Workshop Series hosted by CESMII (the Clean Energy Smart Manufacturing Innovation Institute). The event, scheduled for May 14th, will bring together industry experts, researchers, and stakeholders to explore the transformative potential of artificial intelligence (AI) in manufacturing.

With over two decades of experience in the manufacturing sector, Joel Neidig is recognized for his pioneering work in leveraging AI, IoT, and Industry 4.0 technologies to drive operational efficiency and productivity. At ITAMCO, a leading provider of advanced manufacturing solutions, Neidig has spearheaded numerous initiatives aimed at harnessing the power of AI to optimize manufacturing processes, reduce costs, and enhance product quality.

In his keynote address, Neidig is expected to share insights into the role of AI in reshaping the future of manufacturing. He will discuss how AI-driven technologies such as machine learning, predictive analytics, and digital twins are revolutionizing traditional manufacturing practices, enabling companies to gain deeper insights, make data-driven decisions, and achieve new levels of competitiveness in the global marketplace.

One of the key themes Neidig is likely to address is the importance of collaboration and knowledge-sharing in advancing AI adoption in manufacturing. By fostering partnerships between industry, academia, and government agencies, Neidig believes that the manufacturing sector can accelerate the pace of innovation and unlock new opportunities for growth and sustainability.

Moreover, Neidig will highlight the critical role of workforce development in realizing the full potential of AI in manufacturing. As automation and AI technologies become increasingly integrated into manufacturing operations, there is a growing need for a skilled workforce capable of leveraging these technologies effectively. Neidig will underscore the importance of investing in education and training programs to equip the next generation of manufacturing professionals with the necessary skills and competencies.

In conclusion, Joel Neidig’s keynote address at the AI in Manufacturing Workshop Series promises to provide attendees with valuable insights into the transformative potential of AI in the manufacturing sector. By sharing his expertise and vision for the future of manufacturing, Neidig aims to inspire and empower industry stakeholders to embrace AI-driven technologies and drive innovation in the manufacturing industry.

Learn more and register for the event

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ITAMCO Revolutionizes Potash Mining

Revolutionizing Potash Mining: ITAMCO's Advanced Gear Manufacturing Elevates Continuous Boring Miners

In the dynamic world of mining, efficiency and reliability are paramount, especially in industries like potash extraction where precision and durability are key. At the forefront of innovation in this sector is ITAMCO, a pioneer in advanced gear manufacturing. Today, we explore how ITAMCO’s cutting-edge gear technology is reshaping the landscape of potash mining, particularly in the realm of Continuous Boring Miner machines.

ITAMCO's Precision Gears: A Game-Changer for Continuous Boring Miners

Continuous Boring Miners play a vital role in potash mining operations, tirelessly excavating and transporting ore to the surface. The harsh and demanding conditions underground necessitate machinery that is not only robust but also precise in its movements. This is where ITAMCO’s advanced gear manufacturing capabilities come into play.

Key Benefits of ITAMCO's Gear Technology in Continuous Boring Miners:

  1. Enhanced Durability: Potash mining environments are known for their abrasive nature, putting considerable stress on mining equipment. ITAMCO’s gears are engineered with durability in mind, utilizing materials and coatings that withstand the rigors of continuous operation in challenging conditions.
  2. Precision Engineering: Continuous Boring Miners require precise control for efficient excavation. ITAMCO’s gears are manufactured with an emphasis on precision engineering, ensuring smooth and accurate movements critical for optimizing ore extraction.
  3. Customized Solutions: Recognizing the diversity of potash mining operations, ITAMCO collaborates closely with clients to provide tailored gear solutions. This customization ensures that gears are optimized for specific machine configurations, contributing to improved overall performance.
  4. Reliability: Unplanned downtime can have significant financial implications in the mining industry. ITAMCO’s commitment to reliability means that the gears in Continuous Boring Miners can be trusted to operate consistently, minimizing downtime and maximizing productivity.

Paving the Way for Efficient Potash Extraction

As the demand for potash continues to rise globally, mining operations face the challenge of meeting this demand while optimizing efficiency and minimizing environmental impact. ITAMCO’s advanced gear manufacturing capabilities offer a solution by providing mining companies with the tools they need to enhance the reliability and durability of Continuous Boring Miners.

Investing in ITAMCO’s gear technology is not just an upgrade; it’s a strategic move towards ensuring sustained and efficient potash extraction. The reliability of Continuous Boring Miners equipped with ITAMCO’s precision gears contributes to increased production, reduced maintenance costs, and a positive impact on the bottom line.

A Sustainable Future in Potash Mining

As the potash mining industry evolves, so does the need for innovation. ITAMCO’s advanced gear manufacturing capabilities position it as a driving force in the transformation of Continuous Boring Miners, setting new standards for reliability, durability, and efficiency.

In conclusion, ITAMCO’s commitment to excellence in gear manufacturing extends beyond gears themselves – it’s about empowering the future of potash mining and ensuring a sustainable path forward for this essential industry. As we look towards the future, ITAMCO stands as a beacon of reliability, providing the gears that move us towards a more efficient and sustainable era in potash extraction.

ITAMCO Revolutionizes Gear Manufacturing at THRIVE Energy Conference

The recent THRIVE Energy Conference served as a prime platform for ITAMCO (Indiana Technology and Manufacturing Companies) to unveil its groundbreaking advancements in gear manufacturing technology. Amidst discussions on energy innovation and sustainability, ITAMCO seized the opportunity to showcase its key innovations that are reshaping the landscape of gear production.

At the heart of ITAMCO’s presentation was its cutting-edge use of machine learning and advanced analytics in gear manufacturing processes. By harnessing ML algorithms, ITAMCO has pioneered energy efficient solutions specifically tailored for gear systems. These solutions enable lower energy consumption of the gear manufacturing process.

Moreover, ITAMCO spotlighted its IoT-enabled gear monitoring systems, which provide real-time insights into gear performance and health. Through continuous monitoring and data analytics, organizations can optimize gear operation, prevent unexpected failures, and maximize energy efficiency across various applications.

In addition to its technological advancements, ITAMCO emphasized its commitment to sustainability in gear manufacturing. ITAMCO ensures transparency and traceability in the supply chain, promoting responsible sourcing of materials and ethical manufacturing practices, made in the USA. This not only aligns with the growing demand for sustainable solutions but also reinforces ITAMCO’s dedication to environmental stewardship.

By participating in the THRIVE Energy Conference, ITAMCO demonstrated its leadership in revolutionizing gear manufacturing through innovation and sustainability. Through collaboration with industry peers and stakeholders, ITAMCO continues to drive positive change and shape the future of energy by delivering reliable, efficient, and environmentally conscious gear solutions.

In conclusion, ITAMCO’s participation in the THRIVE Energy Conference underscored its commitment to advancing gear manufacturing technology while promoting sustainability in the energy sector. Through its pioneering innovations, ITAMCO is poised to lead the industry towards a more resilient and sustainable energy future.

ITAMCO at the THRIVE Energy Conference
ITAMCO at the THRIVE Energy Conference

ITAMCO’s Next Generation Gear Manufacturing Revolutionizes Fracking Efficiency in the Oil Industry

In the ever-evolving landscape of industrial technology, efficiency is paramount. Enter ITAMCO (Indiana Technology and Manufacturing Companies), a pioneering entity revolutionizing gear manufacturing with its next-generation capabilities. As the oil industry continues to seek ways to enhance productivity while minimizing environmental impact, ITAMCO’s advancements hold promise, particularly in the realm of fracking.

Fracking, or hydraulic fracturing, has been a game-changer in the oil and gas sector, unlocking previously inaccessible reservoirs and driving production to new heights. However, the process is complex and demanding, requiring precision equipment capable of withstanding extreme conditions. This is where ITAMCO steps in, leveraging cutting-edge technologies to optimize gear manufacturing for fracking applications.

At the heart of ITAMCO’s innovation lies its utilization of advanced materials and processes. By incorporating high-strength alloys and employing state-of-the-art machining techniques, ITAMCO produces gears with unparalleled durability and reliability. This means equipment used in fracking operations can withstand the harsh environments encountered deep within the earth, ensuring uninterrupted performance and extended operational lifespans.

ITAMCO Case Studies

Moreover, ITAMCO’s next-generation gear manufacturing capabilities are characterized by precision engineering and tight tolerances. This precision is crucial in fracking equipment, where even the slightest deviation can lead to inefficiencies or equipment failures. By maintaining strict adherence to specifications, ITAMCO’s gears contribute to smoother operation, reduced downtime, and enhanced overall efficiency in fracking operations.

Additionally, ITAMCO’s commitment to innovation extends beyond traditional manufacturing processes. The company embraces digitalization and Industry 4.0 principles, integrating smart technologies and data analytics into its manufacturing ecosystem. This enables real-time monitoring of equipment performance, predictive maintenance scheduling, and optimization of operational parameters, further enhancing efficiency and reliability in fracking applications.

Furthermore, ITAMCO’s focus on sustainability aligns with the growing emphasis on environmental responsibility within the oil industry. By producing durable, long-lasting gears, the company reduces the need for frequent replacements, minimizing waste and resource consumption. Additionally, the efficiency gains facilitated by ITAMCO’s gear manufacturing capabilities contribute to reducing the overall environmental footprint of fracking operations.

In practical terms, the impact of ITAMCO’s next-generation gear manufacturing capabilities on fracking efficiency is significant. Improved durability and reliability translate to reduced maintenance requirements and lower downtime, leading to increased operational uptime and productivity. Moreover, the precision engineering ensures optimal performance, maximizing the extraction of oil and gas resources from each fracking operation.

Looking ahead, ITAMCO’s ongoing commitment to innovation promises even greater advancements in gear manufacturing for the oil industry. As technology continues to evolve, the company remains at the forefront, driving efficiency, reliability, and sustainability in fracking operations. By embracing the latest technologies and engineering principles, ITAMCO is poised to shape the future of gear manufacturing, transforming the oil industry’s approach to fracking in the process.

In conclusion, ITAMCO’s next-generation gear manufacturing capabilities represent a transformative force in the oil industry, particularly in the context of fracking operations. Through precision engineering, advanced materials, and digitalization, the company delivers gears that enhance efficiency, reliability, and sustainability. As the demand for energy continues to grow, ITAMCO’s innovations offer a promising path towards maximizing the potential of oil and gas resources while minimizing environmental impact.

Joel Neidig Brings Expertise to MTConnect Board of Trustees: A Pioneer in Advancements

Joel Neidig Brings Expertise to MTConnect Board of Trustees: A Pioneer in Advancements

In a significant move that underscores the ongoing evolution of manufacturing technology, Joel Neidig, the visionary leader and Director of R&D of ITAMCO, has recently joined the Board of Trustees of MTConnect Institute. This appointment is a testament to Neidig’s remarkable contributions to the field of manufacturing and his commitment to advancing industry standards. Let’s delve into the impressive career of Joel Neidig and the advancements he has spearheaded in the manufacturing sector.

Joel Neidig
Joel Neidig, Director of R&D of ITAMCO, has joined the Board of Trustees of MTConnect Institute.

Joel Neidig is a seasoned professional with a proven track record in the manufacturing industry. As the Director of R&D of ITAMCO, a leading provider of precision machining and technology solutions, Neidig has played a pivotal role in driving innovation and implementing cutting-edge technologies. His expertise lies in leveraging digital solutions to enhance manufacturing processes, improve efficiency, and pave the way for the future of the industry.

Throughout his career, Joel Neidig has been at the forefront of advancements in manufacturing technology. One of his notable contributions is the integration of Industry 4.0 principles into ITAMCO’s operations. Neidig understands the importance of embracing digitization, data analytics, and connectivity to create smarter and more agile manufacturing processes.

Under Neidig’s leadership, ITAMCO has successfully implemented the MTConnect standard, a protocol that facilitates machine-to-machine communication and data exchange in the manufacturing environment. This standard plays a crucial role in enabling interoperability between different machines and systems, fostering a more connected and efficient manufacturing ecosystem.

Additionally, Neidig has championed the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in manufacturing. These technologies, when applied strategically, can optimize production processes, predict equipment failures, and enhance overall operational efficiency. Neidig’s forward-thinking approach has positioned ITAMCO as a trailblazer in the application of AI and ML in the manufacturing domain.

Joel Neidig’s appointment to the Board of Trustees of MTConnect Institute further solidifies his commitment to advancing industry standards and promoting collaboration within the manufacturing community. MTConnect, an open standard that fosters connectivity and communication between manufacturing equipment, is crucial for the development of smart manufacturing systems.

As a member of the Board of Trustees, Neidig brings his wealth of experience and insights to contribute to the strategic direction of MTConnect. His involvement is expected to drive the adoption of standards that facilitate seamless data exchange and interoperability across diverse manufacturing environments. This collaborative effort is essential for the continued growth and innovation of the manufacturing sector.

Joel Neidig’s journey from ITAMCO’s CTO to a member of MTConnect’s Board of Trustees is a testament to his unwavering dedication to advancing manufacturing technology. His visionary leadership at ITAMCO has not only propelled the company to new heights but has also influenced the broader manufacturing industry. As a member of the MTConnect Board of Trustees, Neidig will undoubtedly play a pivotal role in shaping the future of manufacturing standards and fostering a more connected and intelligent manufacturing ecosystem.

MxD Welcomes ITAMCO CEO to Board of Directors

December 13, 2023 (CHICAGO) — MxD today announced the addition of Gary L. Neidig, President and CEO of Indiana Technology and Manufacturing Companies (ITAMCO), to its board of directors. ITAMCO is a multi-faceted, advanced manufacturing company with locations in Plymouth and Argos, Indiana. ITAMCO’s core business is in metal machining of precision gears and machined components.

“The perspectives of small and medium-sized manufacturers, which comprise the bulk of U.S. manufacturing, are critical to the conversations MxD leads about driving growth and competitiveness in the sector,” said Berardino Baratta, CEO of MxD. “We’re delighted to welcome Gary Neidig to the board, who brings both leadership in this space and longstanding support of the MxD mission as a former member of our Executive Council.”

Neidig has served in customer service, engineering, and executive management roles during his 42 years in manufacturing while overseeing technology development for advanced manufacturing. He is an active coder and has written engineering and business system applications. Neidig graduated from Bob Jones University with a B.S. in Business Management, and a Minor in Computer Science.

“I’ve always considered MxD to be the premier Manufacturing Institute. Our highest priority should be the opportunity to make tangible improvements in the U.S. manufacturing base through digitalization,” said Neidig. “I am excited to be a part of the MxD board as it helps steer this industry-changing organization, shaping the future of manufacturing in the digital age.”

Neidig will join current board members, Billy Bardin, Global Climate Transition Director, DOW; Katy George, Senior Partner and Chief People Officer, McKinsey & Company; Tony Hemmelgarn, President and CEO, Siemens Digital Industries Software; Mary Isbister, Board Chair and Owner, GenMet Corp.; John Kusnierek, Senior Vice President, LibertyWorks Research and Technology, Rolls-Royce; Shirish Pareek, Chairman & CEO, Adaptec Solutions; Jocelyn Seng, Retired Air Force Major General; Carroll Thomas, Director (Retired), National Institute of Standards and Technology Manufacturing Extension Partnership; and Jay Walsh, Vice President for Economic Development and Innovation, University of Illinois.

Gary Neidig

“I am excited to be a part of the MxD board as it helps steer this industry-changing organization, shaping the future of manufacturing in the digital age.”
– Gary L. Neidig, President and CEO of ITAMCO

About MxD

MxD (Manufacturing x Digital) is where innovative manufacturers go to forge their futures. In partnership with the Department of Defense, MxD equips U.S. factories with the digital tools, cybersecurity, and workforce expertise needed to begin building every part better than the last. As a result, our nearly 300 partners increase their productivity, win more business, and strengthen U.S. manufacturing. MxD is also the National Center for Cybersecurity in Manufacturing as designated by DoD.

Media Contact:
Mackie Hill, Marketing and Communications Manager, MxD

ITAMCO's Joel Neidig to speak at the Motion + Power Expo

Save the Date!

Join ITAMCO at the Motion + Power Technology Event this coming Tuesday, October 17th, at 10:30 a.m. for an in-depth discussion on The Future of Gear Manufacturing.

The Event is held in Detroit, MI.

What is the Motion + Power Technology Expo?

The Motion + Power Technology Expo is a three-day event that serves as a vital link for professionals seeking solutions in the field of motion power. It provides a platform for connecting manufacturers, suppliers, and buyers, offering the opportunity to discover cutting-edge power transmission components, materials, and advanced manufacturing techniques. This event facilitates transactions, allowing participants to both procure and sell products, while fostering business collaborations across diverse sectors, including aerospace, automotive, agriculture, energy, construction, and more. It stands as one of the largest gatherings of industry leaders, CEOs, proprietors, engineers, sales managers, and other experts within the electric, fluid, mechanical, and gear industries, offering an ideal environment to cultivate strategic partnerships.

Read how ITAMCO Won the Small and Medium-sized Manufacturer of the Year

ITAMCO's Joel Neidig to speak at Fabtech 2023

ITAMCO at Fabtech 2023

We’re thrilled to announce that Joel Neidig will be speaking at Fabtech this year!

Fabtech is North America’s largest metal forming, fabricating, welding, and finishing event. The manufacturing event will feature more than 1,500+ world-class suppliers.

You can find out more about Fabtech here

Join us at the SME Zone in Booth B18000 at 1:00 p.m. to hear Joel discuss the exciting world of Additive Manufacturing!

Want to read more about Additive Manufacturing?


Making CNC Grinding More Energy Efficient

In 2020, the Clean Energy Smart Manufacturing Innovation Institute (CESMII) announced more than $6 million in funding for eight projects to improve energy-intensive manufacturing processes and to strengthen the U.S. manufacturing sector.

ITAMCO, West Virginia University, and Clemson University were chosen to develop hybrid modeling for energy efficient grinding processes for gear manufacturing.


Grinding is of the upmost importance in industry, and is essential for creating parts from hard and brittle materials. However, out of all machining processes, it is the one with the highest energy consumption. (SEC) The total grinding time for ITAMCO’s Ring Gear (Pictured below) accumulates 11 hours of energy, and is responsible for 33% of the total manufacturing cost of the gear.

Ring Gear


The principal goal is to reduce the extremely high energy consumption of grinding processes for gear manufacturing by at least 15% through hybrid modeling of the grinding system holistically.


To achieve this goal, we will develop novel hybrid modeling methods that combine multi-physics equation-based models with data-driven machine learning models. The hybrid model input includes both machine tool parameters and sensor data as well as data from ERP and tool management systems. The hybrid model’s output provides grinding process parameters (wheel speed, depth of cut, infeed duration) as well as grinding tool reconditioning schedule and parameters (dressing and sharpening) that reduce the overall grinding system’s SEC. The model will be prototypically implemented in the industrial testbed will be located on-premise at ITAMCO, a leading US gear manufacturer and SME.


The US demand for gears is expected to grow by 6.4% to $40 billion in sales. Grinding will remain the core technology to produce large-scale, high-quality gear components. The novel, scalable, and generalizable hybrid modeling approach and its deployment in the CESMII SM platform environment will provide a blueprint for other use cases to reduce the energy consumption of the US grinding industry.

ITAMCO’s Niles ZP40, which is the primary machine on which their Ring Gear is ground.


The project showcases rapid recovery of Smart Manufacturing adoption cost through energy savings and productivity increases in an industry with energy intensive processes. The project creates an opportunity to scale its impact for other interested CESMII members across industries (automotive, aerospace, medical, etc.) and applications (milling, turning, etc.) within the larger CESMII network.


15% reduction in energy consumption & 3-7% increase in productivity lead to an estimated increased throughput of 28 additional units, and annual savings of ~$143,000 and ~1,000t CO2at ITAMCO alone.

Information from Dr. Thorsten Wuest, West Virginia University

ITAMCO Wins Small and Medium-sized Manufacturer of the Year

In an annual event to commemorate innovation in hardtech and manufacturing, ITAMCO has won the small and medium-sized manufacturer of the year award!

From the Fourth Revolution Website: “Founded in 1955, ITAMCO is entering the era of employing the 4th generation and currently employees 124 employees. ITAMCO manufacturers gears that are supplied to the oil and gas industry and is starting to support the EV industry as well.”


Matthew Davis, ITAMCO Manager of Training and Organizational Development (left) and Kim Blomquist, mHUB Director of Marketing (right)


The Fourth Revolution would also go on to congratulate the winners: “Congratulations again to the award winners, and to all the award finalists and nominees. Together, we will ensure that the region’s manufacturing sector is driven, infused with world-class talent, and continues its reign as a global leader into the future.”

For more information, view the original article here.


IEDC Awards Grants to Improve DoD Smart Tech

Grant to Improve DoD Smart Tech

The Indiana Economic Development Corporation (IEDC) is awarding grants totaling $650,000 to three Hoosier companies to spur technology development in the defense industry. The grant recipients include Indiana Technology and Manufacturing Companies (ITAMCO), J&L Dimensional, and Mursix Corporation.

IEDC says these businesses will create new smart technology platforms with the goal of improving data management, efficiency, and analysis among contractors with the Department of Defense.

Details of the grants are below:
  • ITAMCO, Marshall County – $150,000 to develop a machine learning, smart-data-analysis platform for manufacturers that provides real-time adjustment and optimization utilizing artificial intelligence for product quality monitoring. The project will enhance efficiencies and lower costs for manufacturers. The project is being supported by Rolls-Royce and SIMBA Chain.
  • J&L Dimensional, LaPorte County – $250,000 to create a platform that improves decision making, increases efficiency of production and maintenance, repair and overhaul operations, and lowers costs by creating linkages to previously inaccessible data. The project is being supported by Rolls-Royce & Purdue University
  • Mursix Corp., Delaware County – $250,000 to utilize data to enhance the properties of the company’s digital thread capabilities for future commercial automotive, medical and military applications. The project is being supported by Columbus-based Cummins Inc., Terre Haute-based ICTT System Sciences, Indianapolis-based IntelAdvise and Purdue Polytechnic.

“As a state, we’re committed to fueling innovation and investing in disruptive technologies like digital thread to cultivate a 21st century defense ecosystem,” said retired Major General Omer Tooley Jr., the IEDC’s president of defense development. “These grants will allow Indiana companies to continue innovating, competing and developing new solutions that encourage long-term, sustainable growth in Indiana’s defense industry. We’re excited to collaborate with the Air Force Research Laboratory to enhance the technical capabilities of our nation’s supply chain and look forward to supporting these projects from start to finish.”

The grants, approved through the state’s 21st Century Research & Technology Fund, will propel investments already being made by the companies and their support organizations.

Advanced Manufacturing Olympics

Winning Gold in the USAF’s Advanced Manufacturing Olympics

Blockchain startup SIMBA Chain, with help from the ITAMCO team, edge out Boeing and Stratasys for $100,000 first prize with winning scenario to apply blockchain and 3D printing to keep the Air Force battle ready.

SOUTH BEND, Indiana (October 29, 2020) – SIMBA Chain and ITAMCO’s strategy of blockchain-enabled Rapid Additive Manufacturing Labs for battlefield use captured the gold medal in the U.S. Air Force’s first ever Advanced Manufacturing Olympics, held virtually October 20-23. In true David and Goliath fashion, the blockchain startup SIMBA Chain and manufacturing stalwart ITAMCO won the Supply Chain Marathon division over industry giants Stratasys (second place) and Boeing (third place) in a highly competitive field of 16 finalists. AMO Gold Medal Winner

The Advanced Manufacturing Olympics was created to bring together technology companies, startups, traditional and non-traditional U.S. Department of Defense contractors, academia, and student to help solve some of the Air Force’s most significant sustainment issues. SIMBA Chain entered the competition with a multidisciplinary team that included ITAMCO, the University of Notre Dame and C5BDI, and was rewarded for their award-winning performance with a check for $100,000.

SIMBA Chain CEO Joel Neidig led the team to victory, thanking the U.S. Air Force and Assistant Secretary of Acquisition Will Roper for the opportunity to compete in the Advanced Manufacturing Olympics, an experience he called intense. “We literally had six days to put together an entire war games solution to deliver critical parts to a battlefront, keep field hospitals operational and infrastructure like runways intact. What was different about our approach was how we met both the physical challenges of war fighters as well as the cyber threats that are playing a growing role in modern warfare.”

All of the Supply Chain Marathon competitors were given the same scenario: a fictional island called Elfmore was under siege. How could additive manufacturing be deployed to keep aircraft, weaponry, field hospitals and infrastructure operational? SIMBA Chain’s winning response combined portable, self-contained Rapid Additive Manufacturing Labs capable of printing metal, plastic, and composite parts on demand with the interconnectivity and cyber security of blockchain to deliver unprecedented additive manufacturing capabilities to forward-deployed military units, front-line medical staff and relief organizations.

“The key component of any supply chain is security and particularly critical to fast-changing military operations,” Neidig explains. “Including blockchain in our strategy set SIMBA Chain apart as our additive manufacturing labs were digitally and securely interconnected with one another and with military command This ensured the integrity of communications and that whatever was needed could be built to military specifications without compromise from external forces. This strategy resonated with the judges.”

The ultimate goal of the Air Force’s Advanced Manufacturing Olympics is to identify innovative ideas that have the potential to be translated into commercial solutions. SIMBA Chain is already working with several arms of the U.S. Department of Defense, including the U.S. Air Force and the Navy. Neidig has high hopes that blockchain, and specifically SIMBA Chain, will soon be an integral part of the U.S. military’s strategic weaponry.

Tech. Sgt. Dan Zimmerman (back) and Senior Airman Thet Tun (front) carry a piece of AM2 matting material, Camp Dwyer, Afghanistan, July, 12, 2016. Zimmerman and Tun constructed a 100’ x 100’ helicopter landing zone out of AM2 matting to support the medical facility at Camp Dwyer. (Courtesy photo by 451 Air Expeditionary Support Squadron)

ITAMCO Developing Portable Runway Mat

ITAMCO is competing for a Phase II Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant for additive manufactured portable runway mat which could be used by the United States military all over the globe. The current AM2 matting being used for portable airfields dates back to the Vietnam era. The updated matting must be easy to install and store yet withstand multiple take-offs and landings of aircraft

ITAMCO, working with Professor Pablo Zavattieri in the Lyles School of Civil Engineering at Purdue University, is developing the next-generation material called phase-transforming cellular materials, or PXCMs, for the US Air Force. The design can be scaled to almost any size and can only be produced by 3D printing.

The company won Phase 1 SBIR funding, earning it the right to compete for the Phase II. ITAMCO is now in the prototype and testing stage. The durable matting can restore itself to its original contour and would allow for planes to land on the temporary runway 30 minutes after it’s laid in place and tested. Continuing research will allow it to develop a robust sheet or roll of the matting.

Tech. Sgt. Dan Zimmerman (back) and Senior Airman Thet Tun (front) carry a piece of AM2 matting material, Camp Dwyer, Afghanistan, July, 12, 2016. Zimmerman and Tun constructed a 100’ x 100’ helicopter landing zone out of AM2 matting to support the medical facility at Camp Dwyer. (Courtesy photo by 451 Air Expeditionary Support Squadron)

Tech. Sgt. Dan Zimmerman (back) and Senior Airman Thet Tun (front) carry a piece of AM2 matting material, Camp Dwyer, Afghanistan, July, 12, 2016. Zimmerman and Tun constructed a 100’ x 100’ helicopter landing zone out of AM2 matting to support the medical facility at Camp Dwyer. (Courtesy photo by 451 Air Expeditionary Support Squadron)

Additive Manufacturing Summit

Additive Manufacturing Virtual Summit

ITAMCO is excited to announce the third-annual Additive Manufacturing Summit on Tuesday, July 14 from 1-4 p.m. EST.

This year’s event will be held virtually and focus on educating and informing attendees about the growing industry surrounding Additive Manufacturing (AM). AM has seen incredible growth and the future for the technology is bright. Register now to hear speakers from leading companies in the AM space.

Speakers include:

  • JANET KAR, CMO, Link3D
  • ELIANA FU, Senior Engineer: Additive Technologies, Relativity Space
  • ANDRE WEGNER, Founder and CEO, Authentise
  • BRENT KEPHART, Global Portfolio Development Executive, Siemens
  • ANJON ROY, Vice President of Market Development, SIMBA Chain

Learn More About the Summit

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