Blockchain for Everyone

ITAMCO is harnessing this emerging technology and working to make it accessible to everyone.

Blockchain in its simplest form is digital information divided into blocks and linked together in an unchangeable way to a public or private peer-to-peer network.

ITAMCO Blockchain

How Blockchain Works

What is Blockchain - Transaction
1. Transaction

Someone wants to make a transaction

What is Blockchain - Block
2. Block

The required transactionis digitally representedas a block

What is Blockchain - Per-to-Per Network
3. P2P Network

The transaction is broadcastto a P2P network consisting of nodes

What is Blockchain - P2P Validation
4. Validation

Using algorithms, the node network validatesthe transaction and user’sstatus

What is Blockchain - Block
5. Block

Once verified, the transaction iscombined with others tocreate a new ledger block

What is Blockchain - Blockchain
6. Blockchain

The new block is added to the "chain"in an permanently, unalterable way

What is Blockchain - Complete
7. Complete

The transaction is complete

Case Study

Secure Blockchain Messaging

ITAMCO and the Center for Research Computing at the University of Notre Dame received a grant from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) to developed a secure, unhackable messaging and transaction platform for the United States military. The results of that grant was the founding of SIMBA Chain. SIMBA Chain has grown into a cloud-based, Smart-Contract-as-a-Service (SCaaS) platform, enabling users across a variety of skill sets to implement decentralized applications.

Read the Story
SIMBA Chain Dashboard
QuPiD Sign In Screen
Blockchain in Action

Tracking Production with QuPiD

QuPiD is custom-made software developed by ITAMCO to more efficiently monitor the production process. The software has recently been updated to write all transactions to a blockchain to ensure the date remains accurate, immutable, and traceable.

Learn About QuPiD
ITAMCO and the Center for Research Computing at the University of Notre Dame developed the secure messaging on a blockchain architecture for the U.S. Military.
ITAMCO believes blockchain has the potential to a game-changer for business. The speed and security it affords has immense potential.
The unchanging, or immutable, nature of blockchain makes it so secure.
With blockchain, there is no single point of control which means there is no singe point of failure.
Want to learn about Blockchain? Start the Conversation.